Digimon Adventure tri.
Three years after the events of Digimon Adventure 02, Taichi Yagami is now in high school, downhearted that none of his friends are able to come to his soccer game. On the day of Taichi's match, a Kuwagamon suddenly appears, affecting electronic devices across the city. read more...
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Episode 1 - 2 : Early as it was announced that Digimon Adventures will have it's third debut, I immediately downloaded and watched the first and second season. Nothing really have changed to the production, It was rather dry as before and few bombarding catchy yells were reduced. dramatic lines such as " AGUMOOOON ! oh noh blah blah blah " . Mood was the same as their movie, Digimon : Our War, where it seems connections between the characters has been missing since their last battle. I just really feel nostalgic at the first minutes, until the hyped get me in the middle ending. I was really happy that the battle was detailed and focused on the second episode.
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Episode 3 - 4 : The story and conflict started to show off on the field but the weight was focused more on the two different person. Yamato and Taichi. There's still fun and childish points that brings us to reminisces our childhood friends. Ah ! The youthful relationship is perceptible on some scenes, quite cheeky right? (but we all know who ended up with who) or probably will there be changes at the end? It is exciting to see and really getting us hooked on what the series could offer more.
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"I see more and understand less"- Taichi Yagami
With the addition of new characters under the same situation, Im really looking forward for more. This under the bridge megane shoujo could probably one of those chosen children out there. I guess, what could possibly keep us under the weather with them is change. Although our choices and paths may be of opposites, we hope that we could still meet on some points.
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